Cyber Cafe Lounge Hours
Cyber Café Lounge
15 laptops will be available in our Cyber Café thanks to our sponsors. The Cyber Café will be interspersed throughout the exhibit area surrounding the general session rooms. These laptops will be equipped with the latest in high-tech capabilities, and will give attendees the opportunity to review custom marketing advertising throughout the show. All conference attendees and registered spouses will be able to utilize these laptops at the event.
But wait there’s more.
Not only will you be given the chance to use these great computers during the conference, but you may also have an opportunity to win one. These top-of-the-line laptops will be raffled off to registered originating creditors in attendance on Friday, May 10th at 11:40 a.m. Recipients must be present to win! Not open to exhibitors, sponsors, employees or their families.